- Upplýsingar
- Written by Inter
- Flokkur: Verkefnin
Hjá okkur færðu mikið úrval af vörum fyrir hinar ýmsu sérgreinar.
- Upplýsingar
- Written by Inter
- Flokkur: Verkefnin
About Inter
Company History
Inter is a company founded the 4th of July 1992 and has been working within the market of Healthcare ever since. Þorvaldur Sigurðsson, the sole owner of Inter, has been involved in the business from the beginning. Until 2003 he was a 50% shareholder, since 2003 he has a 100% share in the company. Inter is a family run business which has proven to be a great advantage in supporting our customers as everyone is working towards the same goal. Inter is currently located at Vatnagarðar 12 in Reykjavík.
Inter Strategy
We have extensive experience in the medical field and have from the beginning put the greatest emphasis on customer service. That involves responding immediately to requests from our customers and providing education and technical service whenever needed. Our employees regularly attend seminars and training in order to be always up to date regarding new product development. We also emhasize product presentation and have already built an extensive network of contacts within the healthcare system. That proves to be of importance as they look to us for guidance when in need of new products and equipment. Inter follows MDD guidelines and is ISO-9001 certified.
Companies and products that we represent
In the beginning our emphasis was on endoscopy but collaboration with other companies soon followed. Our company grew quickly and today we also operate within the field of general surgery, electrosurgery, orthopedics, gynecology, urology, PH measuring, ECG, resuscitation and more. Inter is a company focusing on high quality product, excellent service and support at the best available price.
- Upplýsingar
- Written by Inter
- Flokkur: Verkefnin
Þjónusta- Fagmennska í fyrirrúmi
Inter ehf leggur áherslu á hraða, sveigjanleika, hagkvæmni og fagmennsku. Tæknimenn okkar hafa margra ára reynslu í uppsetningu, viðhaldi og kennslu á þann tæknibúnað sem við seljum einnig hafa þeir fengið mikla þjálfun frá okkar birgjum.
Við bjóðum upp á þjónustusamninga, fyrirbyggjandi viðhald og eftirlit með þeim tækjum sem við seljum.
Inter fylgir ströngustu kröfum frá Olympus og vinnur stöðugt í að bæta virkni gæðastjórnunarkerfisins í starfsemi sinni og er með ISO9001 vottun BSI.